- Number Sense (78)
Number Sequence
- Compare Numbers (11)
Order Numbers
- Skip Counting (26)
- Place Value (24)
- Addition (219)
Add With Pictures
Addition Properties
- Addition Strategies (112)
- Compose And Decompose Numbers (58)
Add Using A Number Line
Count On To Add
Add With 10
Doubles And Near Doubles Addition Strategy
Make 10 Strategy
Add Three Whole Numbers
- 2-Digit Addition (41)
- Subtraction (87)
- Geometry (43)
Data Handling
- Measurement (12)
- Time (11)
- Money (28)
- Algebra (14)
- Word Problems (35)
- Reading (613)
All English Games
Build Words With Initial L Blends - cl Game
To enhance your skills, build words with initial L blends - cl.
Build Words With Initial L Blends - gl Game
To enhance your skills, build words with initial L blends - gl.
Explore Words With Initial L Blends - gl Game
Polish your language skills by exploring words with initial L blends - gl.
Begin Blending With Consonant Blends CL and BL Game
Begin blending with consonant blends CL and BL .
From Sounds to Words: clap and bless Game
With the help of this game learn to translate sounds to words: clap and bless.
Guess the Word: slip and glass Game
Put your language skills to the test by guessing the word: slip and glass.
Find Words Using Blending: flat and plot Game
Use your skills to find words using blending: flat and plot.
The Ultimate Word Families Challenge: glam, plug and cloth Game
Kids will play the ultimate word families challenge: glam, plug and cloth.
Learn Initial Blends With PL and SL Game
Get familiar with reading by learning initial blends with PL and SL.
Identify the Initial Blend: floss and slush Game
Polish your language skills by identifying the initial blend: floss and slush.
Choose the Correct Initial Blend: clip and flip Game
Get familiar with reading by learning to choose the correct initial blend: clip and flip.
Build Words Using the Inital Blend: gloss and bliss Game
Kids must build words using the inital blend: gloss and bliss.
Initial Blend and Its Name: BL, CL, FL, GL, PL & SL Game
Let's take a look at initial blend and its name: BL, CL, FL, GL, PL & SL.
Begin Segmenting With flesh and plum Game
Practice english by learning to begin segmenting with flesh and plum.
Rearrange Sounds to Make Words: club and bliss Game
Ask your child to rearrange sounds to make words: club and bliss.
Sequence the Letters to Make Words: slab and glad Game
Make english easy by learning to sequence the letters to make words: slab and glad.
Guess the Word: sloth and gloss Game
Put your language skills to the test by guessing the word: sloth and gloss.
Build Words With Initial L Blends - bl Game
To enhance your skills, build words with initial L blends - bl.
Build Words With Initial L Blends - fl Game
To enhance your skills, build words with initial L blends - fl.
Explore Words With Initial R Blends - tr Game
Polish your language skills by exploring words with initial R blends - tr.
Build Words With Initial R Blends - tr Game
To enhance your skills, build words with initial R blends - tr.
Build Words With Initial R Blends - pr Game
To enhance your skills, build words with initial R blends - pr.
Explore Words With Initial R Blends - pr Game
Polish your language skills by exploring words with initial R blends - pr.
Explore Words With Initial R Blends - fr Game
Polish your language skills by exploring words with initial R blends - fr.
Build Words With Initial R Blends - fr & gr Game
Learn how to build words with initial R blends - fr & gr.
Build Words With Initial R Blends - gr & cr Game
Learn how to build words with initial R blends - gr & cr.
Explore Words With Initial R Blends - gr Game
Polish your language skills by exploring words with initial R blends - gr.
Explore Words With Initial R Blends - cr Game
Polish your language skills by exploring words with initial R blends - cr.
Begin Blending With Consonant Blends TR and PR Game
Begin blending with consonant blends TR and PR.
From Sounds to Words: trek and prod Game
With the help of this game learn to translate sounds to words: trek and prod.
Guess the Word: crop and fresh Game
Kids must guess the word: crop and fresh.
Find Words Using Blending: grip and frill Game
To play, kids must find words using blending: grip and frill.
The Ultimate Word Families Challenge: gram, press and froth Game
Play the ultimate word families challenge: gram, press and froth.
Learn Initial Blends With CR and FR Game
Get familiar with reading by learning initial blends with CR and FR.
Identify the Initial Blend: frog and grill Game
Polish your language skills by identifying the initial blend: frog anf grill.
Choose the Correct Initial Blend: GR and TR Game
Get familiar with reading by learning to choose the correct initial blend: GR and TR.
Build Words Using the Inital Blend: grit and trim Game
Kids must build words using the first sound: grit and trim.
Initial Blend and Its Name: CR, FR, GR, PR & TR Game
Let's take a look at initial blend and its name: CR, FR, GR, PR & TR.
Begin Segmenting With crib and prop Game
Practice english by learning to begin segmenting with crib and prop.
Rearrange Sounds to Make Words: trash and grill Game
Ask your child to rearrange sounds to make words: trash and grill.
Sequence the Letters to Make Words: fret and crop Game
Make english easy by learning to sequence the letters to make words: fret and crop.
Guess the Word: prop and fresh Game
Put your language skills to the test by guessing the word: prop and fresh.
From Short Vowel A to Long Vowel A Game
Change from short vowel A to long vowel A to practice your english skills.
Choose the Correct Vowel Sound: Short or Long A Game
Children must choose the correct vowel sound: Short or Long A.
Practice Vowel Sounds: Short and Long A Game
Polish your language skills by practicing vowel sounds: Short and Long A.
Explore Words With Long Vowel A - ai Game
Polish your language skills by exploring words with long vowel A - ai.
Explore Words With Long Vowel A - ay Game
Polish your language skills by exploring words with long vowel A - ay.
Explore Words With Long Vowel A - ai, ay Game
Get familiar with reading by learning to explore words with long vowel A - ai, ay.