- Number Sense (161)
- Compare Numbers (28)
- Order Numbers (21)
- Skip Counting (32)
Even And Odd Numbers
Place Value
- Round Numbers (21)
- Addition (156)
Addition Properties
- Addition Strategies (29)
Add Three Whole Numbers
2-Digit Addition
- 3-Digit Addition (87)
- Subtraction (175)
- Multiplication (380)
- Multiplication Strategies (65)
Multiplication With Equal Groups
Multiplication With Arrays
Multiplication Sentences
Repeated Addition To Multiply
- Times Tables (173)
Multiplication By 2
Multiplication By 3
Multiplication By 4
Multiplication By 5
Multiplication By 6
Multiplication By 7
Multiplication By 8
Multiplication By 9
Multiplication By 10
- Multiplication Properties (84)
Multiply By Multiples Of 10
Estimate Products
- Multi-Digit Multiplication (8)
- Division (111)
- Fractions (111)
Fractions Using Models
Fractions On A Number Line
Compare Fractions
- Order Fractions (18)
- Equivalent Fractions (24)
Fractions Operations
- Geometry (28)
Data Handling
- Measurement (62)
- Time (42)
Time In Quarter Hours
Time To The Nearest 5 Minutes
Time To The Nearest Minute
Digital Clock
Elapsed Time
- Money (11)
- Algebra (10)
- Word Problems (172)
- Reading (150)
- Writing (320)
- Handwriting (259)
Creative Writing
Opinion Writing
Descriptive Writing
Writing Paragraphs
- Grammar (235)
- Nouns (72)
Parts Of Speech
- Verbs (54)
Article A An The
- Spelling (18)
- Vocabulary (91)
All English Worksheets
Make An Inference
Explore how to make inferences with our engaging ELA worksheets, perfect for practice and printable at home.
Writing Practice: Insects
Our exciting insects-themed worksheet is ideal for young learners to enhance their handwriting and learn about bugs.
Word Search: Comparative Adjectives
Boost grammar knowledge with our fun and educational word search worksheet featuring comparative degrees of adjectives.
Complete The Sentences With Metaphors
Encourage creative thinking with this ELA worksheet, designed to practice how to enhance sentences with metaphors.
Can You Infer
Boost inference skills with this engaging ELA worksheet, a perfect reading practice printable for you!
Writing Practice: Fruits
Learn about a variety of fruits and enhance handwriting skills with our enjoyable fruits-themed worksheet for young learners.
Word Search: Superlative Adjectives
Spot the superlative degree of adjectives and boost grammar knowledge with this engaging word search worksheet!
Exaggerated Expressions Using Hyperboles
Improve your language skills with this engaging printable worksheet focused on crafting sentences with hyperboles.
Cracking the Main Idea Worksheet
Develop critical thinking abilities through our comprehensive key details and main idea worksheet. Perfect for building strong comprehension!
Writing Practice: Vegetables
Explore various vegetables and practice handwriting with our fun handwriting practice worksheet, perfect for young foodies.
Describing Nouns
Let's describe nouns using adjectives in this fun grammar practice printable, giving a fun twist to language practice.
Personification Paradise Identify The Literary Device
Strengthen your literary skills with this engaging ELA worksheet, focused on practicing how to use personification.
Can You Find the Main Idea? Worksheet
Children will practice identifying the main idea and key details in this reading comprehension worksheet.
Writing Practice: Food Items
Learn about different food items with our handwriting fun worksheet, blending culinary knowledge with handwriting practice.
Using Adjectives to Describe Nouns
Boost your grammar skills! Practice choosing the best adjectives to describe nouns using this fun practice worksheet.
New Year Synonyms Worksheet
Add elements of fun to your ELA practice by exploring New Year Synonyms.
Decoding the Main Idea Worksheet
Enhance your reading skills with our comprehensive main idea and summary worksheet. Develop critical thinking abilities and easily identify key points!
Writing Practice: Thanksgiving
Celebrate Thanksgiving and practice your handwriting with our exciting worksheet, perfect for holiday learning.
Write the Superlative Form of Adjectives
Fill in the blanks and create superlative adjectives with the most interactive grammar practice worksheet.
Match it Up! Worksheet
Become more versatile in English by practicing Match it Up!.
Find the Main Idea Worksheet
In this fun worksheet, children will read an exciting story and practice identifying the main idea and key details.
Writing Practice: Christmas
Get into the festive spirit with our Christmas-themed worksheet for young learners, perfect for holiday handwriting practice.
What's the Superlative?
A fun fill-in-the-blanks task is what's in store in this grammar worksheet for a fun twist on learning superlative adjectives.
Summer Word Search: Antonyms
Boost vocabulary skills with our engaging word search printable worksheets. Let's spot the antonyms in the puzzle.
Got Any Ideas?: Finding Main Ideas and Key Details Worksheet
Readers will practice identifying the main idea and supporting it with key details through a well-designed graphic organizer in this reading worksheet.
Writing Practice: Summer
Welcome summer and practice handwriting with our exciting summer-themed worksheet, a sunny educational tool.
Write the Superlative Form
Fill in the blanks and master superlative adjectives with this interactive grammar practice worksheet.
Summer Word Search: Synonyms
Spot the synonyms in the puzzle and boost vocabulary skills with our engaging word search printable worksheets.
Summary and Main Idea Quest Worksheet
Enhance your child's reading comprehension skills and help them master the art of summarizing texts with our engaging worksheet.
Writing Practice: Words of Fall
Learn about fall words and improve handwriting with our fun handwriting practice worksheet, perfect for autumn education.
The Superlative Quiz!
Ace the superlative adjectives challenge by filling in the blanks in this fun printable grammar practice worksheet.
Winter Word Search: Antonyms
Here's a fun vocabulary boost! Hunt the antonyms for the given words in our cool winter-themed word search worksheet!
Whats the Idea in The Snowshoeing Day? Worksheet
What's your favorite winter activity? Well, if you like snowshoeing, then you'll definitely enjoy this reading worksheet!
Writing Practice: Spring Time
Welcome springtime and practice handwriting with our spring-themed worksheet, a refreshing educational tool.
Forming Degrees of Comparison: Superlatives
Level up your language skills! Conquer superlative adjectives with this dynamic grammar practice worksheet.
Winter Word Search: Synonyms
What's another word for fun? Hunt the synonym pairs in our engaging winter-themed word search worksheet!
Reading Marathon Main Idea And Key Details
Excel in identifying the main idea and key details with our engaging ELA worksheets, perfect reading practice printable.
Writing Practice: It's Raining!
Learn about rainy days and practice handwriting with our rain-themed worksheet, a fun way to explore weather.
Write the Comparative Form of the Adjectives
Master comparative adjectives by filling in the blanks in this engaging grammar worksheet for a fun learning experience.
Matching Antonyms
Advance your child's vocabulary with this engaging, printable worksheet, ideal for practising matching antonyms.'
Identify The Main Idea And Key Details
Augment your ELA practice with our engaging printable worksheet focused on identifying main ideas and key details in texts.
Writing Practice: Winter Time
Discover winter and practice handwriting with our winter-themed handwriting practice worksheet, ideal for cold weather fun.
Forming the Comparative Adjectives
Sharpen comparisons! With this engaging grammar printable, master the art of forming comparative adjectives effortlessly.
Finding the Nearest Word in a Dictionary
Enhance vocabulary skills as students find the nearest word in a dictionary in this interactive vocabulary worksheet.
Lets Predict! Worksheet
Time to put your child's prediction power to work as they read and use picture clues to determine what happens next with this exciting prediction worksheet!
Writing Practice: Clothes
Learn about clothes and practice handwriting with our clothes-themed worksheet, combining fun with learning.
What's the Comparative?
Unlock comparison skills! Fill in the blanks with the comparative forms of adjectives in this fun grammar practice printable.
Winter Word Search
Boost vocabulary with this engaging, winter-themed word search printable worksheet just for you!