- Number Sense (620)
- Number Recognition (20)
- Number Tracing (450)
Number Sequence
- Counting (118)
Compare Numbers
- Addition (137)
- Subtraction (47)
Data Handling
- Measurement (7)
- Word Problems (30)
- Reading (803)
- Phonics (782)
- Alphabet (571)
- Letter Recognition (571)
Letter A
Letter B
Letter C
Letter D
Letter E
Letter F
Letter G
Letter H
Letter I
Letter J
Letter K
Letter L
Letter M
Letter N
Letter O
Letter P
Letter Q
Letter R
Letter S
Letter T
Letter U
Letter V
Letter W
Letter X
Letter Y
Letter Z
Lowercase Letters
Uppercase Letters
Matching Lowercase And Uppercase Letters
Alphabetical Order
Letter Sounds
Sight Words
- Writing (393)
- Handwriting (392)
- Letter Tracing (237)
Letter Tracing A
Letter Tracing B
Letter Tracing C
Letter Tracing D
Letter Tracing E
Letter Tracing F
Letter Tracing G
Letter Tracing H
Letter Tracing I
Letter Tracing J
Letter Tracing K
Letter Tracing L
Letter Tracing M
Letter Tracing N
Letter Tracing O
Letter Tracing P
Letter Tracing Q
Letter Tracing R
Letter Tracing S
Letter Tracing T
Letter Tracing U
Letter Tracing V
Letter Tracing W
Letter Tracing X
Letter Tracing Y
Letter Tracing Z
Word Tracing
- Cursive Writing (130)
Identify Squares and Triangles Worksheet
Enhance your child's polygon identification skills with this engaging worksheet on squares and triangles.
2D Shapes
Squares and Circles Worksheet
Practice squares and circles by printing this playful worksheet.
2D Shapes
Identify the Flat Shapes Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing to identify the flat shapes.
2D Shapes
Rectangles and Triangles Worksheet
This downloadable worksheet is designed to practice rectangles and triangles.
2D Shapes
Identify and Count the Shapes Worksheet
Reveal the secrets of math wizardry by practicing to identify and count the shapes.
2D Shapes
Sorting Objects as Triangles and Circles Worksheet
Boost your child's shape recognition with this worksheet on sorting 2D triangles and circles.