- Number Sense (44)
- Addition (42)
- Multiplication (63)
Multiplication Strategies
- Times Tables (10)
- Multiplication Properties (6)
Multiply By Multiples Of 10
- Multi-Digit Multiplication (36)
- Division (81)
- Fractions (126)
Fractions Using Models
Fractions On A Number Line
Compare Fractions
- Equivalent Fractions (25)
Mixed Numbers As Improper Fractions
- Fractions Operations (60)
- Decimals (77)
- Read And Write Decimals (27)
Compare Decimals
Order Decimals
Round Decimals
Convert Decimals To Fractions
- Decimal Operations (8)
- Geometry (39)
- Measurement (61)
- Money (10)
- Algebra (25)
- Word Problems (24)
4-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping Games
View all 9 games-
4-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping
Subtract 3-Digit Numbers from 4-Digit Numbers Without Regrouping Game
Subtract 3-digit numbers from 4-digit numbers without regrouping.
4-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping
Subtract 2-Digit Numbers from 4-Digit Numbers Without Regrouping Game
Sharpen your math skills by subtracting 2-digit numbers from 4-digit numbers without regrouping.
4-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping
Subtract 2-Digit From 4-Digit Numbers and Match Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by exploring to subtract 2-digit from 4-digit numbers and match.
4-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping
Fluently Subtract 2-Digit From 4-Digit Numbers Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by exploring how to fluently subtract 2-digit from 4-digit numbers.
4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping Games
View all 11 games-
4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping
Regroup to Subtract 2-Digit From 4-Digit Number Game
Regroup to subtract 2-digit from 4-digit numbers in this game.
4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping
Regroup and Subtract 2-Digit From 4-Digit Numbers Game
Children must regroup and subtract 2-digit from 4-digit numbers.
4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping
Regroup and Subtract 3-Digit From 4-Digit Numbers Game
Learn to solve math problems by regrouping and subtracting 3-digit from 4-digit numbers.
4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping
Regroup to Subtract 3-Digit From 4-Digit Number Game
Enter the madness of math-multiverse by learning to regroup to subtract 3-digit from 4-digit number.
All 4-Digit Subtraction Games
4-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping
Fluently Subtract 3-Digit From 4-Digit Numbers Game
Learn to solve math problems by fluently subtracting 3-digit from 4-digit numbers.
4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping
Regroup Once to Subtract Two 4-Digit Numbers Game
Kids must regroup once to subtract two 4-digit numbers.
4-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping
Subtract 3-Digit From 4-Digit Numbers and Match Game
Practice the superpower of math by learning how to subtract 3-digit from 4-digit numbers and match.
4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping
Regroup Once and Subtract Two 4-Digit Numbers Game
Dive deep into the world of math by regrouping once and subtracting two 4-digit numbers.
4-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping
Regroup to Subtract Two 4-Digit Numbers Game
Learn to solve math problems by regrouping to subtract two 4-digit numbers.
4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping
Regroup Twice to Subtract Two 4-Digit Numbers Game
Kids must regroup twice to subtract two 4-digit numbers.
4-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping
Fluently Subtract Two 4-Digit Numbers Game
Help your child take flight by learning how to fluently subtract two 4-digit numbers.
4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping
Regroup Twice and Subtract Two 4-Digit Numbers Game
Dive deep into the world of subtraction by regrouping twice and subtracting two 4-digit numbers.
4-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping
Subtract Two 4-Digit Numbers and Match Game
Enter the madness of math-multiverse by exploring how to subtract two 4-digit numbers and match.
4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping
Regroup Once to Subtract Across Zeros Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to regroup once to subtract across zeros.
4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping
Regroup Twice to Subtract Across Zeros Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to regroup twice to subtract across zeros.
4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping
Regroup Thrice to Subtract Across Zeros Game
Regroup thrice to subtract across zeros in this game.