- Number Sense (44)
- Addition (42)
- Subtraction (28)
- Multiplication (63)
Multiplication Strategies
- Times Tables (10)
- Multiplication Properties (6)
Multiply By Multiples Of 10
- Multi-Digit Multiplication (36)
- Division (81)
- Fractions (126)
Fractions Using Models
Fractions On A Number Line
Compare Fractions
- Equivalent Fractions (25)
Mixed Numbers As Improper Fractions
- Fractions Operations (60)
- Decimals (77)
- Read And Write Decimals (27)
Compare Decimals
Order Decimals
Round Decimals
Convert Decimals To Fractions
- Decimal Operations (8)
- Measurement (61)
- Money (10)
- Algebra (25)
- Word Problems (24)
Lines, Line Segments, Rays Games
View all 6 games-
Parallel And Perpendicular Lines
Identify Parallel Sides Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a math wizard by learning to identify parallel sides.
Parallel And Perpendicular Lines
Find Parallel Sides Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to find parallel sides.
Parallel And Perpendicular Lines
Identify Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Game
Take a look at how to identify parallel and perpendicular lines with this game.
Parallel And Perpendicular Lines
Identify Parallel Sides in Shapes Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to identify the parallel sides in shapes.
Angles Games
View all 15 games-
Find Right Angles Game
Take the first step towards building your math castle by practicing how to find right angles.
Identify Right Angles Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by identifying right angles.
Draw Angles Nearest 5 and 1 Degrees Game
Learn to solve problems by drawing angles nearest to 5 and 1 degrees.
Draw Angles in Multiples of 10 Degrees Game
Play this game to draw angles in multiples of 10 degrees.
Shapes Games
View all 13 games-
2D Shapes
Identify the Shape Which has Two Pairs of Parallel Sides Game
Apply your math skills to identify the shape which has two pairs of parallel sides.
2D Shapes
Choose the Correct Fact Related to Shapes Game
Take a look at how to choose the correct fact related to shapes with this geometry game.
2D Shapes
Identify the Shape Which has At Least One Pair of Parallel Sides Game
Use your geometry skills to identify the shape which has at least one pair of parallel sides.
2D Shapes
Identify Common Attributes in Shapes Game
Apply your math skills to identify common attributes in shapes.
All Geometry Games
Lines, Line Segments, Rays
Recognize Lines, Line Segments, Rays, Angles Game
Dive deep into the world of geometry by recognizing lines, line segments, rays, angles.
Identify the LInes of Symmetry in Quadrilaterals Game
Learn to solve math problems by identifying the lines of symmetry in quadrilaterals.
Coordinate Plane
Find the Distance between Two Points Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by exploring how to find the distance between two points.
Identify the LInes of Symmetry in Irregular Shapes Game
Enter the madness of math-multiverse by identifying the lines of symmetry in irregular shapes.
Coordinate Plane
Mark the Coordinates Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a math wizard by learning how to mark the coordinates.
Identify Angles by their Types Game
Shine bright in the math world by learning how to identify angles by their types.
Select all Shapes of a Type Game
Take the first step towards building your math castle by selecting all the shapes of a given type.
Lines, Line Segments, Rays
Count Pairs of Parallel Sides in Shapes and Choose the Correct Answer Game
Kids must count pairs of parallel sides in shapes and choose the correct answer.
Identify if the Given Angle is Right, Acute or Obtuse Game
Use your geometry skills to identify if the given angle is right, acute or obtuse.
Classify Triangles Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to classify triangles.
Choose the Shape that Matches the Given Condition Game
Shine bright in the math world by learning how to choose the shape that matches the given condition.
Answer Questions Related to Triangles Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to answer questions related to triangles.
Select the Shape that Fulfills the Given Condition Game
Dive deep into the world of geometry by selecting the shape that fulfills the given conditions.
Identify the Type of Triangles Based on Angles Game
Enter the madness of math-multiverse by identifying types of triangles based on angles.
Identify Benchmark Angles Game
Practice the superpower of geometry by learning how to identify benchmark angles.
Name the Quadrilateral Game
Take the first step towards building your math castle by practicing how to name the quadrilateral.
Measure the Angles in Multiples of 10 Degrees Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by learning to measure angles in multiples of 10 degrees.
Identify the Quadrilateral Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by exploring how to identify quadrilaterals.
Measure the Angles Using Protractor Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by exploring how to measure angles using a protractor.
Identify Common Attributes in Different Shapes Game
Help kids practice geometry as they learn to identify common attributes in different shapes.
Identify the Type of Angle Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by exploring how to identify types of angles.
Identify Kite, Rhombuses and Parallelograms Game
Help kids practice geometry by identifying kites, rhombuses and parallelograms.
Draw Angles Using a Protractor Game
Kids must draw angles using a protractor to practice geometry.
Classify Quadrilaterals in Different Orientation Game
Apply your knowledge of geometry to classify quadrilaterals in different orientations.
Add the Angles Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a math wizard by learning how to add the angles.
Subtract the Angles Game
Have your own math-themed party by learning how to subtract angles.
Identify Lines, Line Segments, Rays, Angles Game
Ask your little one to identify lines, line segments, rays, and angles to play this game.