- Number Sense (177)
- Compare Numbers (50)
- Order Numbers (10)
- Skip Counting (39)
Even And Odd Numbers
Place Value
- Round Numbers (5)
- Addition (381)
Add With Pictures
- Addition Properties (26)
- Addition Strategies (102)
Compose And Decompose Numbers
Add With 10
Doubles And Near Doubles Addition Strategy
Make 10 Strategy
Add Using Multiples Of 10
Add Three Whole Numbers
- 2-Digit Addition (79)
- 3-Digit Addition (92)
- Subtraction (388)
Subtract With Pictures
- Subtraction Strategies (73)
Subtract Using A Number Line
Subtract From 10 Strategy
Subtract Using Multiples Of 10
- 2-Digit Subtraction (144)
- 3-Digit Subtraction (92)
- Multiplication (92)
- Geometry (50)
Data Handling
- Measurement (34)
- Time (99)
Am And Pm
Time In Hours
Time In Half Hours
Time In Quarter Hours
Time To The Nearest 5 Minutes
Digital Clock
- Money (72)
- Word Problems (175)
- Reading (640)
- Phonics (563)
- Diphthongs (25)
Letter Sounds
- Vowels (81)
- Blending (114)
- Consonant Digraphs (4)
- Trigraphs (16)
Three Letter Blends
Sight Words
Silent Letter Words
- Reading Comprehension (71)
Cause And Effect
Story Elements
Authors Purpose
Compare And Contrast
Central Message
Point Of View
Using Illustrations
Using Text Features
Context Clues
- Communication Skills (6)
- Writing (444)
- Handwriting (410)
Creative Writing
- Grammar (75)
- Vocabulary (206)
Commonly Confused Words
Compound Words
- Figures Of Speech (9)
Synonyms And Antonyms
- Word Puzzles (135)
Shades Of Meaning
Sorting Words Into Categories
- Flashcards (10)
All Worksheets
Handwriting: My Pets
Improve your child's handwriting practice with our exciting printable worksheet focused on writing about pets.
Word Search: Bathroom Items
Boost vocabulary with our fun and educational word search puzzles worksheet featuring common bathroom items.
Number Sense
Write the Number of Tens & Ones Worksheet
Be on your way to become a mathematician by practicing to write the number of tens & ones.
Addition Expressions With Sum 13 Worksheet
Identify and highlight all the addition expressions that result in a sum of 13 in this worksheet.
Near Doubles Subtraction Strategy
Discover the power of the near doubles subtraction strategy and find the difference with ease using this worksheet.
Write the Missing Vowel Worksheet
Assess your ELA skills by writing the missing vowel in this worksheet.
Handwriting: Neighborhood Walk
Strengthen your child's writing skills with this handwriting practice worksheet themed on a neighborhood walk.
Winter Word Search
Boost vocabulary with this engaging, winter-themed word search printable worksheet just for you!
Number Sense
Identify the Number of Tens & Ones Worksheet
Use this printable worksheet to identify the number of tens & ones to strengthen your math skills.
Addition Expressions With Sum 17 Worksheet
Identify and highlight all the addition expressions that total up to 17 in this engaging worksheet!
Subtraction Using the Number Bond
Use the doubles and near doubles number bonds and find the difference with this worksheet.
Let's Write the Missing Vowel Worksheet
Put your ELA skills to the test by writing the missing vowel.
Handwriting: Helping At Home
Learn with our printable worksheet, enhancing handwriting with sentences about the importance of helping at home.
Summer Word Search
Time for word puzzles! Boost vocabulary skills with this engaging, summer-themed word search activity worksheet!
Number Sense
Represent the Number Worksheet
Make math practice a joyride by solving problems to represent the number.
Addition Expressions With Sum 14 Worksheet
This worksheet is designed to help students identify and mark all the addition expressions that result in the sum of 14.
Check the Subtraction Solution
Join Oolzoo and Hoppy on an adventure and check if they calculated the difference correctly with this fun worksheet.
Complete the CCVCC Words Worksheet
Dive into our CCVCC phonetics worksheet, enhancing phonetic comprehension and reading prowess for young learners.
Handwriting: Fun With Shapes
Practice handwriting and boost vocabulary with this engaging worksheet, writing fun sentences about shapes.
Autumn Word Search
Are you ready for some fun? Boost your child's vocabulary with this engaging fall-themed word hunt activity worksheet!
Number Sense
Representing Number by Base-10 Blocks Worksheet
Pack your math practice time with fun by representing numbers by base-10 blocks.
Addition Expressions With Sum 16 Worksheet
This worksheet requires students to identify and highlight all the addition expressions that result in a sum of 16.
Who is Correct in Subtracting
Help Oolzoo and Blu as they subtract numbers using doubles. Who do you think is correct? Find out with this worksheet.
Name The Action Worksheet
Kids must name the action to practice their ELA skills.
Handwriting: A Zoo Visit
Refine your child's writing skills with our delightful zoo-themed handwriting practice worksheet.
Spring Word Search
Let's spot words in a puzzle! Enhance vocabulary with this fun, spring-themed word search activity worksheet.
Number Sense
Write the Number in Tens & Ones Worksheet
Print this worksheet to write the number in tens & ones like a math legend!
Addition Expressions With Sum 12 Worksheet
This worksheet tests students' ability to identify and mark all addition expressions that yield a sum of 12.
Subtract Using Near Doubles
Challenge yourself by selecting expressions that can be solved using the given subtraction facts in this worksheet.
Let's Write The CCVCC Word Worksheet
Become more versatile in English by writing the CCVCC word.
Handwriting: Sea Adventures
Master handwriting practice with this engaging printable worksheet, focused on writing about sea adventures.
Word Search: Farm animals' babies
Here's a fun vocabulary boost! Hunt for the names of farm animals and their young ones in our cool word search worksheet!
Number Sense
Number Representations Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing number representations.
Addition Expressions With Sum 18 Worksheet
This worksheet tests students' addition skills by having them identify all expressions that equal a sum of 18.
Doubles or Near Doubles
Solve the subtraction problems in this worksheet and tick the right column that helped you solve the problem.
CCVCC Words - Writing Practice Worksheet
Practice CCVC Words with 'CCVC Words - Writing Practice Worksheet.'
Handwriting: Knights And Castles
Elevate handwriting practice with this engaging printable worksheet, focusing on writing about knights and castles.
Word Search: animals and their babies
Let's get started on an engaging hunt for the names of the young ones of animals with our interactive word search worksheet!
Number Sense
Identify the Correct Multiple of 10 Worksheet
Make math practice a joyride by solving problems to identify the correct multiple of 10.
Count on the Number Line to Add Worksheet
A worksheet designed to enhance students' addition skills by counting on a number line.
Subtract Using the Model Worksheet
Focus on core math skills with this fun worksheet by solving to subtract using models.
Write The CCVCC Word Worksheet
Reinforce ELA concepts by writing the CCVCC words.
Handwriting: Forest Adventures
Excel in writing with our printable handwriting practice worksheet, centered on thrilling forest adventures.
Anagrams Matching
Elevate your vocabulary with this fun printable offering an engaging matching exercise for anagram pairs.
Number Sense
Color to Represent 2-Digit Number Worksheet
This worksheet helps kids visualize 2-digit numbers using color-coded place value blocks.
Count on the Number Line to Find the Missing Number Worksheet
Practice adding using a number line by identifying and filling in missing numbers in this worksheet.
Subtract by Taking Away From 10 Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing to subtract by taking away from 10.
Practice Writing CCVCC Words Worksheet
Practice writing CCVCC words with this fun worksheet.