- Number Sense (70)
- Addition (125)
Add Three Whole Numbers
- 3-Digit Addition (30)
- 4-Digit Addition (30)
- Large Numbers Addition (53)
- Subtraction (159)
- Multiplication (496)
- Multiplication Strategies (43)
Multiplication With Equal Groups
Multiplication Sentences
Repeated Addition To Multiply
- Times Tables (147)
- Multiplication Properties (130)
Multiply By Multiples Of 10
Estimate Products
- Multi-Digit Multiplication (128)
- Division (248)
Divide On A Number Line
- Division Facts (98)
Division By 2
Division By 3
Division By 4
Division By 5
Division By 6
Division By 7
Division By 8
Division By 9
Division By 10
Estimate Quotients
- Long Division (43)
- Fractions (431)
Fractions Using Models
Fractions On A Number Line
- Compare Fractions (42)
- Order Fractions (20)
- Equivalent Fractions (45)
Improper Fractions As Mixed Numbers
- Fractions Operations (239)
- Decimals (129)
- Read And Write Decimals (61)
- Compare Decimals (6)
Order Decimals
- Decimal Operations (36)
- Geometry (52)
- Measurement (51)
- Time (2)
- Money (12)
- Algebra (74)
- Word Problems (239)
- Reading (116)
- Writing (382)
- Handwriting (268)
Creative Writing
Opinion Writing
Descriptive Writing
Narrative Writing
Writing Paragraphs
- Grammar (132)
Parts Of Speech
- Verbs (30)
Article A An The
- Spelling (13)
- Vocabulary (76)
All English Worksheets
Practice Writing: Letter V Words
Discover letter V words and enhance handwriting skills with our fun worksheet, ideal for young learners.
Winter Connections Worksheet
Spark an interest in language in your child by practicing Winter Connections.
A Crispy Crossword Worksheet
Enhance word knowledge with the 'Winter-Themed Crossword Puzzle Worksheet'.
Sequence the Events in The Snowshoeing Day Worksheet
Let's find out what's the order of events in a story. Sharpen your reading comprehension skills with this fun worksheet.
Practice Writing: Letter W Words
Learn letter W words and practice handwriting with our awesome worksheet, ideal for expanding vocabulary and handwriting skills.
Supply the Conjunctions Worksheet
Master conjunction types with our engaging worksheet. Enhance language skills, identify different conjunctions, and improve communication proficiency
Crosswords Holiday Traditions
Refine your knowledge of holiday traditions with this printable ELA worksheet. Complete the crossword using the clues.
Order it Right Worksheet
With a vivid imagination, Eli transforms the mundane task of waiting in line into a thrilling journey filled with swashbuckling pirates, courageous cowboys, and intergalactic adventures. Practice sequencing skills with this fun worksheet.
Practice Writing: Letter Y Words
Explore letter Y words and improve handwriting skills with our exciting worksheet, perfect for vocabulary development.
Use Commas with Conjunctions Worksheet
Enhance language skills with our commas with conjunctions worksheet. Master punctuation rules, use commas effectively with conjunctions for clear communication.
Inventions Around Us
Explore the inventions around us with this printable ELA worksheet. Read the clues and solve the crossword puzzle.
Sequence the Events in Camping in the Rain Worksheet
Seth is excited about going camping. What happens next and what happens at the end? Read on to find out and practice your sequencing skills.
Writing Practice: Letter A Adjectives
Enhance descriptions with letter A adjectives using our handwriting practice worksheet, perfect for creative handwriting.
Coordinating Conjunctions Fill In The Blanks
Build understanding of coordinating conjunctions with this printable ELA worksheet. Fill in the blanks for fun practice.
Steps To Organize A Club
Refine your sequencing skills with this printable ELA worksheet. Arrange steps correctly for better practice.
Writing Practice: Letter B Adjectives
Learn letter B adjectives and practice handwriting with our creative worksheet, ideal for vocabulary expansion.
Match The Conjunction
Explore coordinating conjunctions with this printable ELA worksheet. Match the sentences to the correct conjunction.
Lets Practice Plot Elements! Worksheet
This well-curated worksheet consists of a fun activity around plot elements along with an interesting short story for children to enjoy.
Writing Practice: Letter C Adjectives
Explore letter C adjectives and enhance handwriting skills with our handwriting worksheet, a valuable tool for vocabulary growth.
Complete The Story Using Conjunctions
Boost knowledge of subordinating conjunctions with this fun grammar worksheet. Complete the story with the best conjunction.
The Story Elements of The Snowshoeing Day Worksheet
Are you wondering what makes a good story? Read on to find out in this fun reading worksheet!
Writing Practice: Letter D Adjectives
Master letter D adjectives and enhance handwriting skills with our fun handwriting worksheet, ideal for fun and learning.
Switch The Comma And Rewrite
Explore subordinating conjunctions with this printable ELA worksheet. Rewrite sentences by switching conjunction positions.
Elements of the Story Worksheet
Eli and his mom turn waiting in line into an adventure by role-playing as pirates and cowboys, bringing fun and excitement to their errands. Join them in this fun story and sharpen your comprehension skills.
Writing Practice: Letter E Adjectives
Discover letter E adjectives and practice handwriting with our enjoyable handwriting worksheet, perfect for expanding vocabulary.
Thanksgiving Hide-and-Seek Worksheet
Add elements of fun to your ELA practice by exploring Thanksgiving Hide-and-Seek.
Time for the Story Elements of Camping in the Rain Worksheet
There are many elements that come together to make a story. Read about Seth's camping adventures and practice identifying these story elements.
Writing Practice: Letter F Adjectives
Explore letter F adjectives and enhance handwriting with our engaging worksheet, perfect for creative language development.
Where's the Turkey? Worksheet
Learners must Where's the Turkey? to improve their ELA skills.
Discover the Reasoning and Evidence Worksheet
Strengthen reasoning and evidence-based thinking with our engaging worksheet. Students will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Writing Practice: Letter G Adjectives
Learn letter G adjectives and practice handwriting with our fun worksheet, ideal for enhancing vocabulary and handwriting.
Preposition Gobble Worksheet
Add elements of fun to your ELA practice by exploring Preposition Gobble.
Identify the Authors Point, Evidence, and Reasoning Worksheet
Do you know the difference between reason and evidence? Can you find the author's point in this worksheet and provide the reasons as well? Let's get started with this worksheet!
Writing Practice: Letter H Adjectives
Discover letter H adjectives and enhance handwriting skills with our awesome worksheet, perfect for young learners.
Fix it Up! Worksheet
Learners must Fix it Up! to improve their ELA skills.
Spot the Authors Point and Evidence Worksheet
The point of the text in informational texts is the author’s position or stance on a topic. Can you find the author's point in this fun reading worksheet?
Writing Practice: Letter I Adjectives
Explore letter I adjectives and improve handwriting with our fun worksheet, ideal for creative vocabulary expansion.
Spooky Punctuations Worksheet
Enjoy the marvel of Spooky Punctuations with this printable ELA worksheet.
What Is The Author Thinking
Understand the author's reasoning and evidence with this printable ELA worksheet. Read and answer to understand better.
Writing Practice: Letter M Adjectives
Learn letter M adjectives and practice handwriting with our enjoyable worksheet, perfect for enhancing language skills.
What Kind? Worksheet
Spark an interest in language in your child by practicing What Kind?.
Color The Author's Purpose
Build understanding of the author's purpose with our printable ELA worksheet. Spot the author's purpose to reinforce comprehension.
Writing Practice: Letter N Adjectives
Discover letter N adjectives and enhance handwriting skills with our amazing worksheet, ideal for expanding vocabulary.
Sentence Horror Worksheet
This ELA worksheet will fill your child with zest by practicing Sentence Horror.
Dive into Planetary Compare and Contrast Worksheet
Unlock the power of comparison and contrast with our engaging worksheet. Develop critical thinking abilities and enhance learning outcomes. Elevate your skills!
Writing Practice: Letter P Adjectives
Explore letter P adjectives and improve handwriting with our fun worksheet, perfect for creative vocabulary development.
Punctuation Party Worksheet
Enjoy the marvel of Punctuation Party with this printable ELA worksheet.
Compare and Contrast Characters Worksheet
Enhance compare and contrast skills with an engaging worksheet. Explore the similarities and differences and improve reading comprehension and critical thinking.