- Number Sense (176)
- Number Recognition (30)
- Number Tracing (20)
Number Sequence
- Counting (110)
- Compare Numbers (17)
Order Numbers
- Place Value (2)
- Addition (122)
- Subtraction (66)
- Geometry (43)
Data Handling
- Measurement (13)
- Word Problems (27)
- Reading (1,035)
- Phonics (1,035)
- Alphabet (144)
- Letter Recognition (144)
Letter A
Letter B
Letter C
Letter D
Letter E
Letter F
Letter G
Letter H
Letter I
Letter J
Letter K
Letter L
Letter M
Letter N
Letter O
Letter P
Letter Q
Letter R
Letter S
Letter T
Letter U
Letter V
Letter W
Letter X
Letter Y
Letter Z
Lowercase Letters
Uppercase Letters
Matching Lowercase And Uppercase Letters
Letter Sounds
- Vowels (81)
- Blending (358)
- Consonant Digraphs (8)
Double Consonants
Rhyming Words
- Sight Words (395)
- Writing (46)
- Handwriting (46)
- Letter Tracing (46)
Letter Tracing A
Letter Tracing B
Letter Tracing C
Letter Tracing D
Letter Tracing E
Letter Tracing F
Letter Tracing G
Letter Tracing H
Letter Tracing I
Letter Tracing J
Letter Tracing K
Letter Tracing L
Letter Tracing M
Letter Tracing N
Letter Tracing O
Letter Tracing P
Letter Tracing Q
Letter Tracing R
Letter Tracing S
Letter Tracing T
Letter Tracing U
Letter Tracing V
Letter Tracing W
Letter Tracing X
Letter Tracing Y
Letter Tracing Z
Sorting Objects Games
View all 7 games-
Sorting Objects
Sort Objects by Color Game
Dive deep into the world of measurement by sorting objects by color.
Sorting Objects
Identify Objects by their Name Game
Take a deep dive into the world of math by identifying objects by their names.
Sorting Objects
Sort Objects by their Name Game
Have your own math-themed party by learning how to sort objects by their name.
Sorting Objects
Identify Objects by Color Game
Sharpen your skills by identifying objects by their colors.
All Data Handling Games
Sorting Objects
Sort Objects by Size Game
Take a deep dive into the world of math by sorting objects by size.
Sorting Objects
Complete the Data Game
Take the first step towards building your math castle by practicing how to complete the data.
Sorting Objects
Count and Record Data Game
Apply your knowledge of measurements to count and record data.
Data Handling
Compare the Data Game
Take the first step towards building your math castle by practicing how to compare data.
Data Handling
Read the Data Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a math wizard by learning how to read data.