- Number Sense (706)
- Number Recognition (20)
- Number Tracing (450)
Number Sequence
- Counting (130)
- Compare Numbers (48)
- Skip Counting (6)
- Place Value (17)
- Addition (392)
Add With Pictures
- Addition Strategies (91)
- Compose And Decompose Numbers (60)
Count All To Add
Add Using A Number Line
Count On To Add
Add Three Whole Numbers
- Subtraction (187)
- Geometry (67)
Data Handling
- Word Problems (71)
- Reading (1,727)
- Phonics (1,688)
- Alphabet (680)
- Letter Recognition (680)
Letter A
Letter B
Letter C
Letter D
Letter E
Letter F
Letter G
Letter H
Letter I
Letter J
Letter K
Letter L
Letter M
Letter N
Letter O
Letter P
Letter Q
Letter R
Letter S
Letter T
Letter U
Letter V
Letter W
Letter X
Letter Y
Letter Z
Lowercase Letters
Uppercase Letters
Matching Lowercase And Uppercase Letters
- Letter Sounds (312)
- Vowels (136)
- Short Vowel Sounds (128)
Short Vowel A Sound
Short Vowel E Sound
Short Vowel I Sound
Short Vowel O Sound
Short Vowel U Sound
- Vowel Teams (2)
- Blending (168)
- Consonant Digraphs (22)
Double Consonants
Rhyming Words
Sight Words
Segmenting Phonemes
Adding Deleting And Substituting Phonemes
- Reading Comprehension (31)
Story Elements
Authors Purpose
Compare And Contrast
Using Illustrations
Using Text Features
- Communication Skills (8)
- Writing (842)
- Handwriting (833)
- Letter Tracing (211)
Letter Tracing A
Letter Tracing B
Letter Tracing C
Letter Tracing D
Letter Tracing E
Letter Tracing F
Letter Tracing G
Letter Tracing H
Letter Tracing I
Letter Tracing J
Letter Tracing K
Letter Tracing L
Letter Tracing M
Letter Tracing N
Letter Tracing O
Letter Tracing P
Letter Tracing Q
Letter Tracing R
Letter Tracing S
Letter Tracing T
Letter Tracing U
Letter Tracing V
Letter Tracing W
Letter Tracing X
Letter Tracing Y
Letter Tracing Z
Word Tracing
- Cursive Writing (368)
- Cursive Alphabet (315)
Cursive Letter A
Cursive Letter B
Cursive Letter C
Cursive Letter D
Cursive Letter E
Cursive Letter F
Cursive Letter G
Cursive Letter H
Cursive Letter I
Cursive Letter J
Cursive Letter K
Cursive Letter L
Cursive Letter M
Cursive Letter N
Cursive Letter O
Cursive Letter P
Cursive Letter Q
Cursive Letter R
Cursive Letter S
Cursive Letter T
Cursive Letter U
Cursive Letter V
Cursive Letter W
Cursive Letter X
Cursive Letter Y
Cursive Letter Z
Cursive Words
Creative Writing
- Grammar (19)
- Vocabulary (127)
- Flashcards (14)
Length Worksheets
View all 11 worksheets-
Comparing Lengths
Read the Ruler to Compare Length in Inches Worksheet
Enhance your child's length comparison skills with this engaging worksheet on reading rulers in inches.
Comparing Lengths
Which One is Longer Worksheet
Learn measurement at the speed of lightning by practicing to identify which one is longer.
Comparing Lengths
Which One is Shorter Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to identify the shorter one.
Comparing Lengths
Read the Table to Compare Length Worksheet
Boost your child's skills in comparing lengths with this engaging, interactive worksheet.
Height Worksheets
View all 10 worksheets-
Comparing Heights
Identify the Tallest and the Shortest Worksheet
Boost comparison skills with this worksheet on distinguishing the tallest and shortest heights.
Comparing Heights
Compare and Order Objects Based on Their Height Worksheet
Boost your child's math skills with this engaging worksheet on comparing object heights.
Comparing Heights
Read the Table to Compare Height Worksheet
Explore this interactive worksheet to enhance kids' skills in comparing heights using tables.
Comparing Heights
Identify Taller or Shorter Worksheet
Boost your child's ability to compare heights with our interactive worksheet on measurement!
Weight Worksheets
View all 10 worksheets-
Comparing Weights
Which Object is Lighter Worksheet
This downloadable worksheet will help you identify which object is lighter.
Comparing Weights
Which Object is Heavier Worksheet
This downloadable worksheet will help you identify which object is heavier.
Comparing Weights
Compare and Order Objects Based on Their Weight Worksheet
Enhance weight comparison skills with this interactive worksheet on ordering object weights.
Comparing Weights
Identify Heavy or Light Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing to identify which object is heavy or light.
Capacity Worksheets
View all 6 worksheets-
Measure Capacity of Objects Worksheet
Print this worksheet to measure the capacity of objects like a math legend!
Empty or Full Worksheet
Assess your math skills by solving this Empty or Full worksheet.
Which Object has Less Capacity Worksheet
Learn measurement at the speed of lightning by identifying the object that has less capacity.
Which Object has More Capacity Worksheet
Reveal the secrets of math wizardry by identifying the object with more capacity.
All Measurement Worksheets
Compare Lengths of Objects Worksheet
Reveal the secrets of math wizardry by practicing to compare the lengths of objects.
Which One is Taller Worksheet
Put your skills to the test by practicing to identify which one is taller.
Which One is Heavier Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to identify the heavier one.
Measure and Compare Capacity of Objects Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by practicing how to measure and compare capacity of objects.
Draw Longer and Shorter Objects Worksheet
Use this printable worksheet to draw longer and shorter objects to strengthen your math skills.
Which Object is Taller Worksheet
This downloadable worksheet is designed to help you identify which object is taller.
Which One is Lighter Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to identify the lighter one.
Comparing Capacities Worksheet
Help your child revise measurement by comparing capacities.
Recognize the Longer Object Worksheet
Use this printable worksheet to recognize the longer object to strengthen your math skills.
Which Object is Shorter Worksheet
In this worksheet, learners will get to identify which object is shorter.
Comparing Weights of Objects Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by comparing weights of objects.
Comparing Length Worksheet
Put your skills to the test by practicing to compare lengths.
Comparing Heights of Objects Worksheet
Focus on core math skills with this fun worksheet by comparing heights of objects.
Compare Weights of Objects Worksheet
Make math practice a joyride by solving problems to compare the weight of objects.
Ordering by Length Worksheet
Learn measurement at the speed of lightning by practicing to order by length.
Compare Heights Worksheet
Learn measurement at the speed of lightning by practicing to compare heights.
Choose the Heavier Item Worksheet
Boost your child's comparison skills with our worksheet on identifying heavier objects.
Recognize Shorter or Longer Worksheet
Focus on core math skills with this fun worksheet by recognizing which object is shorter or longer.
Draw Taller and Shorter Objects Worksheet
Focus on core math skills with this fun worksheet by solving to draw taller and shorter objects.
Find How Much Heavier Worksheet
Boost your child's skill in comparing weights with this engaging math worksheet.
Compare Paths Worksheet
Enhance your child's math skills with this worksheet on comparing different lengths.